50: It's my 50th diary and you should really know that I'm only 41
It’s been a rough year. It’s been a rough semester. It’s been a rough week. That’s a lot. However, the roughness is getting less and less. Year to semester to week. Maybe next week, I’ll only have a rough day. What can I say? I’m poetic.
So, as of late, I’ve been a sad lady. So I decided to start watching “Love is Blind.” The first 10 minutes were amusing, but now in episode 3 … these mother fuckers are getting married?? I need to start a podcast where I do commentary on this BS.
Reasons why this isn’t real and also dumb:
Clothes: You all can’t see each other. You’re wearing slutty dresses and suits. YOU CAN’T SEE EACH OTHER. Thankfully, they all eventually put on their sweats and T-shirts.
>>>>BLOG: Some jokes just don’t work
Age: Most of these people are late ‘20s and early ‘30s. I married my husband after nine years together. We married in 2010, and of course it’s been wedded bliss since Dec. 28 or 29, 2010. The point? Don’t marry right away. But all these Gen Z’s already know this.
My amazing husband and I at our wedding shower.
Engagement: I have had at least 37 people propose marriage to me in my lifetime. I turned down all but one. This show pushes getting married, which most of us normal people know getting married after four days of talking only happens because you’re high.
That’s all I got for now. I don’t want to disparage anyone who might have wonderful, logical reasons for liking these shows. Message me if you want to start a podcast about this.