
Jessica Graue is a comedian, blogger, journalist and professor. Check out upcoming show dates and or hilarious blogs.

31: A quick check-in so I can keep some sanity

31: A quick check-in so I can keep some sanity

I really don’t have much to write about today, but I feel like I need to write. Otherwise I might go insane and eat all the food in the house. And drink all the wine.

>>>>SHOWS: Coronavirus killed the comedy star

Day 22394 of quarantine finds me sitting in front of my computer. Again. I feel like I am in front of my computer all the time now. I use it for meetings, teaching, writing, working, etc. I have been trying to push myself to write jokes, but I don’t want to get back on the computer after working on it all day.

Here are a few things I’d like to do to my computer.

  1. Smash it.

  2. Punch it.

  3. Stomp on it.

  4. Pour water on it.

  5. Throw it out the window.

As you can see, I am feeling rather hostile. I probably need to up my exercise and walking, so that I don’t have all this pent up energy. Also, I hope my eyeballs don’t fall out of my head.

This is one of my favorite videos that totally encompasses how I feel right now.

How are you all holding up during quarantine?

32: Happy quarantine birthday to me

32: Happy quarantine birthday to me

30: Quarantine is the best time to make extra money

30: Quarantine is the best time to make extra money