
Jessica Graue is a comedian, blogger, journalist and professor. Check out upcoming show dates and or hilarious blogs.

30: Quarantine is the best time to make extra money

30: Quarantine is the best time to make extra money

As everyone knows, most of the country is on lock down due to the coronavirus that is affecting the country. The world, really. I have been working from home for three weeks now, and I must say, I am finding it quite nice to be home. I thought I would go crazy, but things are going well.

>>>>PICS: Here are pics of me doing comedy because who knows when I will start again

For someone who always feels like she needs to be moving and shaking, I am very much refreshed and relaxed. I haven’t even tried to kill my husband yet. Here’s how I am getting through this:

  1. Working extra: I am teaching two extra classes for the rest of the semester. This gives me extra work. I am also working for Dayton Daily News on the weekends. Quarantine is the best time to make extra money.

  2. Books: I am currently reading two different books. I switch back and forth from the fiction book to the non-fiction book. Also, I read them in different spots in the house, so it feels like I am doing something different.

  3. TV: I have binge-watched a couple shows. American Horror Story is next.

  4. Being outside: I try to get out and walk with the pups every day. Chris and I walked to the post office one day. Also, when the weather is nice, being out on the back porch is always a great place to be.

  5. Working out: I am trying to get rid of some pounds. It’s easy to sneak in little workouts when you are stuck inside the house. A few crunchies here. Some yoga over there.

  6. Coloring and painting: I have always loved painting, but I have combined painting with coloring with pencils. I making some amazing “artwork.”

  7. Wine: My wonderful old friend. You will never leave me!

It’s nice to be able to slow down and take a minute to see what is actually going on around you. The less stress the better. Now if it would just get warm enough to get the pool out!

31: A quick check-in so I can keep some sanity

31: A quick check-in so I can keep some sanity

29: It's 2020 and I have a few plans for the next decade

29: It's 2020 and I have a few plans for the next decade