Coronavirus killed the comedy star
The coronavirus pandemic has taken its toll on one important aspect of my life: comedy. Any comedy shows I had booked are pretty much canceled or postponed to further notice.
I figured that I could at least tell you about all the shows that I haven’t been able to perform since that’s the only thing I can add to this section of the blog for the time being.
>>>>DIARY: Quarantine is the best time to make extra money
I was supposed to be at a show in Waynesville, Ohio at the Stone House Tavern on March 26. I really like Waynesville, and it’s not too far of a drive. Thanks, coronavirus.
On April 3, I was supposed to be in Columbus at Kafe Kerouac. I really hope to get on this show again so that my parents, who live in Columbus can finally see me do comedy again. Thanks, coronavirus.
This possibly could’ve been my nice hotel room.
The first weekend in April, I was supposed to travel to Ravenswood, West Virginia. This was going to be a special show as I was getting paid and was getting a hotel room. The drive would’ve been hella long, but who cares. Free hotel room. Thanks, coronavirus.
On April 9, I was supposed to be back at The Barrel in Springboro. I performed here a year or so ago, and it had one of the best crowds I have ever performed in front of. Thanks, coronavirus.
I also had an Athens show scheduled for sometime in March or April, but it being a college town and the schools were all closed, the show was also canceled. Thanks, coronavirus.
There might have been other shows I missed, but to try to remember them all is too painful. As for now, one show remains on my calendar. That is Saturday, June 6 in Athens at Donkey Coffee. Only time will tell whether this show will go on.
For now, I assume, I should be writing more. However, it can be daunting when you have no clue when or if you might perform again. Thanks, coronavirus.