14: Teaching a new class is awesome and intimidating
Wow. I knew teaching English as a Second Language would be different and probably a little difficult. I was right.
This is my third week teaching this class and I am just now getting the hang of it. The biggest hurdle is remembering English grammar rules.
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My students ask me, “Why is the verb like this” or “Can’t we just say something similar.” My answer to the first question: Just because it’s English. My answer to the second question: “Sure.”
When English is your native language, you don’t really pay attention to grammar rules. It’s natural to you. When you are not a native English speaker, it can be difficult because English is one of the most difficult languages to learn.
And why is that? Because English doesn’t make sense. The verb “to be” becomes “I am” and “you are.” How in the hell did that happen? I don’t know. And all I can tell my students is, “because.”
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When I was studying Spanish, I remember how logical the language was. This is how most Romantic languages are. I remember thinking, “Why isn’t English this simple?” The answer is because English is a mixture of different languages from all over the world.
I am starting to get my bearings in the classroom. I just want to make sure I help these students because they are so devoted and excited to learn English. I don’t want to let them down.