
Jessica Graue is a comedian, blogger, journalist and professor. Check out upcoming show dates and or hilarious blogs.

December shows to make you forget about dumb Christmas

December shows to make you forget about dumb Christmas

It’s that time of the year, again! Not Christmas, dummy. It’s the time of the year when I can perform more because I am not working as much.

I know so many of you are dying to see me, so here is where I will be soon:

Friday, Dec.21: I will be traveling out to Logan, Ohio for a Christmas Comedy Show at the Max Bar and Grill. I performed here once before and the crowd was amazing. Some of my favorite comedians are on this show. It’s $5 presale tickets or $8 at the door. The Max Bar and Grill is located at 922 West Hunter Street, Logan, Ohio, 43138.

>>>>BLOG: 7 reasons why you bombed at your last show


Thursday, Dec. 27: This a fairly new show, and I am happy to be on it! I will perform with other awesome comedians at The Barrel in Springboro. This is a monthly showcase. The show starts at 8:30 p.m. The Barrel is located at 857 W. Central Avenue in Springboro.

Saturday, Dec. 29: I am going back to Darkness Brewing to perform in The Laughing Gas Lounge for a customer appreciation party they are having. Darkness Brewing is located at 224 Fairfield Ave. in Bellevue, Ky. 41073. The last time I was there it was packed!.

I am headlining a show in Dublin, Ohio in January, but I will wait to post until the new year. I hope to see you at these shows!

January is for jokes and hijinks with Jess

January is for jokes and hijinks with Jess

It's cold, but you can still laugh!

It's cold, but you can still laugh!