7 reasons you bombed at your last show
We all bomb. It happens. If you think you have never bombed then you are the classic narcissist that everyone makes fun of. It’s not fun to bomb, and when it happens, we try to rationalize about what happened. Here are some of those reasons:
>>>>PHOTOS: I hosted in Harrison, Ohio at a bowling alley
I bombed last night because …
I didn’t have the right T-shirt on: I knew I should’ve worn the black wrinkled shirt rather than the blue shirt with a ketchup stain.
I had to follow a magician or a woman: There’s no following either of these. One uses black magic and one uses props.
I forgot that jokes have punchlines: A man and a bear walk into a bar. Thank you very much.
I drank too much: I don’t remember why I put this one.
I am not funny: But my mom and coworkers said I was!
The audience was awful: I don’t know why they couldn’t connect to my joke about the benefits of putting Icy Hot on your balls.
My coworkers were in the audience: Just joking. I am unemployed.