
Jessica Graue is a comedian, blogger, journalist and professor. Check out upcoming show dates and or hilarious blogs.

Where Jess will be in January and February

Where Jess will be in January and February

I am excited to say that I have some shows booked for January and February. Here is a short list of where I’ll be:

Saturday, Jan. 20: The Stand Up To Violence show starts at 8 p.m. at MJ’s on West Jefferson in Dayton. It is a comedy charity show for BRAVO (Buckeye Region Anti-Violence Organization). I have a longer article about the show you can read here. This will be my first show since October.

Saturday, Jan. 27: Ranson Karr is a friend who I have acted in a few things for. I've played such roles as bitchy ex-wife and white trash slut. I will be performing with Ranson and others at the Laugh for a Cure event at Bojangles in West Carrollton.

>>>>Here's how you can contact Jessica Graue

Sunday, Jan. 28: Wiley’s Sunday Comics open mic is where I'll be Jan. 28. This is by far Dayton’s best open mic. Wiley’s is my home club and I haven’t performed there in a while. I hope to see old friends and try some new bits. The show starts at 8 p.m.


Tuesday, Feb. 20: The open mic at Katz Lounge in Kettering is ending, and the host Mike Canestaro messaged me. He kindly said he like to “feature a performer who does not have a penis.” Of course I said, “YES.” I have performed at Katz at least 10 times over the years. It was one of the toughest rooms, and I love a good challenge.

That’s it for now. I will send out invites in the next couple weeks.

Laugh for a Cure benefit on Jan. 27

Laugh for a Cure benefit on Jan. 27

Comedy show to benefit BRAVO in Dayton

Comedy show to benefit BRAVO in Dayton