
Jessica Graue is a comedian, blogger, journalist and professor. Check out upcoming show dates and or hilarious blogs.

SLIDESHOW: The March edition of the Brandeberry Winery

SLIDESHOW: The March edition of the Brandeberry Winery

The third edition of the Brandeberry Winery Comedy Night was held Friday, March 10, and again it was a sold-out crowd. The comedians were amazing as always. Another show has been booked for April, so be on the lookout for that event on social media.

>>>>PHOTOS: The second comedy show at Brandeberry Winery

This time around, I didn’t have to take any photos as a photographer was there to take photos. And the photos were amazing. I look awful, but everyone else looks great. The photos of the crowd laughing were probably my favorite part.

Photo of the group of comedians from MM Photography. I am a little shy in this one.

This week my class was discussing slideshows, so I decided that everyone would take the photos from MM Photography and create slideshows. The goal was to tell a story with at least six photos and captions. As I normally do, I also did the assignment. Below is my slideshow.

For more photos from the comedy night, you can see them here.

PHOTOS: The first open mic at Bricky's Comedy Club

PHOTOS: The first open mic at Bricky's Comedy Club

PHOTOS: The 2nd sold-out show at Brandeberry Winery

PHOTOS: The 2nd sold-out show at Brandeberry Winery