
Jessica Graue is a comedian, blogger, journalist and professor. Check out upcoming show dates and or hilarious blogs.

PHOTOS: The 2nd sold-out show at Brandeberry Winery

PHOTOS: The 2nd sold-out show at Brandeberry Winery

The second comedy show at Brandeberry Winery sold out in five hours. We had a hiccup with the line-up and had to replace Zach Wycuff with Kyle Kemper, but Kyle did an amazing job. Jeff Allen, Becky Sahlin and Tabari McCoy also did well! I didn’t do as well as I wanted to, but a host does what a host does.

>>>>PHOTOS: The first-ever sold-out comedy show at Brandeberry Winery

The next show at the winery is Friday, March 10 and it has also sold out. We don’t have another one booked right now, but just pay attention to the website and the socials in case one is added. Also, as always, I’m the worst photographer that ever lived, so please excuse my photos.

SLIDESHOW: The March edition of the Brandeberry Winery

SLIDESHOW: The March edition of the Brandeberry Winery

PHOTOS: The first comedy show at Brandeberry Winery

PHOTOS: The first comedy show at Brandeberry Winery