Why my stomach is now the shape of a banana
In December, I had weight loss surgery. I had the gastric sleeve surgery which is where a doctor removes 60-70 percent of the stomach. The process started in May with monthly weigh-ins and meetings with a nutritionist. I started out in May of 2017 at 278 pounds. I lost some weight during that period because I had to show my insurance that I could.
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The surgery was approved in October and I scheduled it for December. I gained a little weight during that time because I was having all my “last meals.” Chinese food, Italian food, many buffets and lots of pizza. Basically any kind of bread or fried food was going into my mouth.
I started my 2-week pre-op diet and weighed in at 281. I lost 13 pounds on that diet and was a nice 268 pounds the day of surgery. I had my surgery Dec. 5 and it was one of the easiest procedures I have had done.
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The procedure was out-patient. I had surgery at 8 a.m. and was home by 5 p.m. I was off work for 3 weeks. I was not in much pain except some gas pain. But that’s enough about the objective logistics of the surgery.
So why did I do it?
No one has asked me this yet, but I feel like some of them want to. I wasn’t the most obese person ever, nor did I have any health issues like diabetes, high cholesterol or sleep apnea. I was only 10 pounds over the lowest BMI necessary to get the surgery.
I did it because I had gained half the weight back that I had lost in 2012. I lost 94 pounds and kept most of it off for 3 years. I was still eating right and exercising, but I just kept gaining. Once I hit 270, I decided to do it.
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In my life I have had three major weight loss events. The weight was always gained back. Also, exercise has been difficult since I am older and because of the foot surgery I had in 2014. I exercised so much for so long that I just really don’t like it that much anymore.
So I am adjusting to my new life with a teeny tiny tummy. It has been almost 4 months since surgery and I am now at 238. Thirty pounds in 3 months is pretty awesome, but I just want it gone now.
I will track my progress and part 2 of this blog will include more specifics about what I eat now and how I am adapting. It’s a struggle sometimes, but I know I will succeed. I have to because this is it. This surgery was the last resort, so it has to work!