26: This writer's block can really go f--- itself
Summer is about halfway over, now so I thought I would throw up a little on the screen because I have been struggling recently. The dreaded writer’s block has taken me over.
This year, I have written probably only two new jokes, and that is just really unacceptable. As an English teacher, I am definitely scolding myself. However, I know why I haven’t written anything recently. I just haven’t tried.
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I think for me, writer’s block isn’t so much that I can’t write, it’s that I just don’t write. Typically, if I sit down with the intention to write, I do and eventually, tons of content starts to come forth. It might not all be funny, but getting started is the hardest part for me.
Writer’s block is more of a confidence block. I think to myself, “why even sit down and write? It’s not like anything you write will be good. Or funny. Or really useful at all.” My brain has a way to talk me out of doing a lot of things.
I recently read an article called “Why There’s No Such Thing as Writer’s Block.” The author, Leigh Shulman, that there is no writer’s block. She says, “It’s an excuse. Your way of telling yourself you have a reason for not writing.”
According to Shulman, we try to find things to do BESIDES the writing that we need to do. She also gives some tips on overcoming being “stuck.” One of bits of advice is to read, which I have been taking advantage of this summer. She also suggests doing something else creative like painting or listening to music. I can check those things off my list.
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I have decided that this weekend will be a writing and relaxing weekend. I have nothing to do for the next two days. I will get out my notes and sit down and write, god damn it! I have a friend coming over Saturday, who is sure to help me out of my funk.
Happy writing and relaxing weekend to everyone!