
Jessica Graue is a comedian, blogger, journalist and professor. Check out upcoming show dates and or hilarious blogs.

Paying more taxes has its advantages

Paying more taxes has its advantages

My last blog was me complaining about Kettering and the traffic. But now, I have lived here for a couple weeks, I thought I might give a couple reasons why I like living a Kettering.

>>>>BLOG: The corporate donut monster and terrible traffic

1.     It snowed recently and I woke to a freshly plowed road. In Dayton, they only plow the streets during the even number years. It was nice to be able to drive on a freshly plowed road instead of spinning out into the road and not being able to drive up a street.

2.     There’s a recreation center. While I do not enjoy working out with others, it is cool to know that I have a place I can go if I want to walk or lift weights. They even sent us a catalog with a list of classes that are offered. I probably won’t go to any of them, but it’s nice to know they are out there.

3.     Since we moved to Kettering, we no longer have to shop at scary Kroger. The East Dayton Kroger was downright frightening at times. It was robbed a couple times. Many of the people there smelled like either moldy cheese or weed. The only upside to the East Dayton Kroger was that many of the fresh vegetables were always on clearance because East Dayton folk don’t eat vegetables.


4.     The neighborhood is quiet. I have really yet to see any neighbors or any walking around really. It’s nice a drastic change from our East Dayton neighbors. They would constantly OD and bang on our door in the middle of night because they needed to use a cell phone.

5.     When I tell people I live in Kettering, they don’t make a horrid face that says “I feel so sorry for you.” When I told people I lived in East Dayton, they assumed we had a bunch of guns and pit bulls in order to defend ourselves from the gangs of white trash heroin addicts. That was only partially true.

All in all, I enjoy where I live now. The actual house is a whole other story. But that’s a tale for another time.

Comedy hasn't changed, but society sure has

Comedy hasn't changed, but society sure has

The corporate donut monster and the terrible traffic

The corporate donut monster and the terrible traffic