
Jessica Graue is a comedian, blogger, journalist and professor. Check out upcoming show dates and or hilarious blogs.

Ugly art: It can always get worse

Ugly art: It can always get worse

This painting is actually not as ugly as most of the paintings that the young artist created back in her Marilyn Mason listening, Winston cigarette-smoking days. FYI: She only smoked Winstons because she stole them.

>>>>UGLY ART: Self portrait of vomit

What makes this painting absolutely sad and pitiful is that a hidden message was painted into the background that could only be deciphered by the artist. We figured it out pretty quickly since they artist was only 21-years-old. It’s pretty pathetic.

Why do 21-year-olds think they have lived a life full of pain? So what a guy broke up with you. Go fucksomeone else and move on. Better yet, fuck a girl. That way, you have a cool story to tell your next boyfriend or future husband.

Ugly art 3a.JPG

Good things about this painting? The intricate detail. The painting took 8 months to complete. Some of the blending looks perfect. The minuscule detail is honorable, but also somewhat silly. Who has this much time to blend colors like this?

O, yeah. A 21-year-old who smokes lots of weed in her parents’ basement. If this artist would’ve seen her life now at 36, she probably would have really appreciated the time she had to put into this painting. The 36-year-old doesn’t even have time to fold her underwear, let alone paint something this elaborate.

>>>>MORE FROM JESSICA GRAUE; Kmart shopper for life or my life at least

The artist could never paint something like this now since she has the tremors from being an alcoholic for the last decade of her life. Also, she couldn’t paint this because who has time to paint when she has 4 part-time jobs in order to pay for liquor, bus fare and kitty litter.

If you can decipher the message in the painting, you win a free lap dance from whichever Third Street hooker is the cheapest.

I can't live without your love and DK Effect(ion)

I can't live without your love and DK Effect(ion)

Aaron Phillips can respect a tasteful cape

Aaron Phillips can respect a tasteful cape