
Jessica Graue is a comedian, blogger, journalist and professor. Check out upcoming show dates and or hilarious blogs.

PHOTOS: So many February shows, so few good pictures

PHOTOS: So many February shows, so few good pictures

Wow. It’s almost the end of February, and I’ve done so much comedy this month that I need a break! I’ve done four shows this month, and for an old lady, that’s a lot. I will be taking most of March off to recharge. In the meantime, here are some really “awesome” photos of me performing.

The two where I have no head are my favorite. I think I need to get a new photographer. I think I’ll wait a few more months to give him a chance to improve.

PHOTOS: The 1-year anniversary show at Brandeberry Winery

PHOTOS: The 1-year anniversary show at Brandeberry Winery