PROFILE: Joe Robinette was shorter when he was younger
When did you start doing comedy?
August 6, 2015 10:54 pm, at the Wiley’s Super-Secret Show. I kept checking the list to see when I was up, about the third or fourth time I checked, I noticed Henry Phillips had penciled his name in above mine (the nerve). I had a good set though, considering it was my first. I don’t remember much, but I’ll always remember that night. I haven’t seen that Henry Phillips fellow since.
Why did you start doing comedy?
For the money obviously. Hate to be all braggadocios, but in just under two years I’ve made over $195. It’s also something I’ve always wanted to do, ever since I saw Eddie Murphy’s Raw at probably 11 years old.
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What’s your most memorable time on stage?
In the first couple of months I had a guy in the front row do a spit-take back into his drink, unfortunately I didn’t have the stage experience to point out how flattering his spitting was, in this case anyway.
What’s the last meal you ate and was it any good?
Double Quarter pounder no pickle, Big Mac no pickle no onion, large fry, and a large coke. It seemed like a good idea at the time, I like a patty for each heart attack I’ve had.
What’s your favorite band?
Probably Led Zeppelin or Jane’s Addiction, or Pink Floyd or Jimi Hendrix, maybe Paul Simon or Stevie Wonder, Clapton, Red Hot Chili Peppers, and The Who, and U2, and definitely Queen.
Besides comedy, what else do you do?
I’ve been building wooden ship models lately. If anybody needs any bowlines, clove hitches, rat lines, or reef knots tied, htmu.
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Have you ever been in a physical fight with someone?
I used to hang out at Dayton clubs like The Sanctuary, The Asylum, Sloopy’s, and The Yellow Rose…So yes, nobody had any qualms talking about fight club in the mid 90’s. I also served as a kickboxing kicking bag, for my older kickboxing cousin.
Where do your ideas for jokes come from?
Memes, back of the toilet joke books, old episodes of Perfect Strangers, life, and stuff.
What were you like as a kid?
What’s in your future?
I don’t know, I haven’t really thought about it much, probably win the Indy 500 or something.